Wednesday, October 17, 2007

tips on listening...

Listening has been viewed hitherto as a passive skill. The recent approaches in language teaching have proven this is wrong. The learner should be actively involved in the communication as listening skills demand it. Listening skills require adequate knowledge in both linguistic and non linguistic spheres .the linguistic competence of the learner helps in dividing sounds into meaningful units when the process of linguistic extraction of sounds fail, there is a failure in the extraction of meaning. So, focusing on the mental process, Listening comprehension, a step further, is an active process which includes the aural input, the construction of meaning from the message, and the relation the message has to the existing knowledge.

the music that spills within./...

I wish there was someone who would make a sense out of sounds. Till this moment, i'm not sure why people dont have good ears. Some of them do have. but the large population of whom i may refer to have not bothered much to have a sound sense over sounds.
The unwanted sound buzzes from the TVs are just irritating me. Last evening when i just walked out of my room, i felt the core of disturbance. The person who sits before the device does not realise the frequency of another who may have been in a different mood. Irrespective of the mood, the volume if kept so high, to avoid a single minute where the mood is not left unpublished.
There is no choice in terms of the sounds that the commercials produce now a days. The other day i offered one of the big shots at town some good sound patterns, but he just flatly refused, saying that he gets sound patterns for free over the internet. He was not even bothered about the quality or discomfort level which it promised.

hearing./..the base to listening..//./..

Hearing is a major factor and it is basic to the listening skills, perhaps even more to language learning itself. It is the imitation of what is heard that is produced over speech. A person who hears well may also be able to speak well. While studying hearing, voice, speech, language, social emotional functions and behaviour, we may find that ear is of importance during the infancy stage of early childhood of an individual there is an intense and continuous learning process that takes place based upon listening and movement levels. It has been found that the foetus begins to learn through listening its mothers voice which it senses within the womb. The range and the sound frequency of the mother’s language is exposed to the foetus and gradually the ear get set to the frequency. When the baby goes further it is difficult or less possible to hear other frequencies. This makes language learning a difficult task.

Auroville Language Lab

There is a Language Lab at Auroville, Pondicherry, which uses modern technology and the various other devices to help adults and youngsters in language learning. around ten languages are being given training here. It is the one and only Language Lab in Pondicherry, situated about six from the heart of Pondicherry, towards Kuilapalayam. It would be nice if youngsters visit this place.